
Essmak is the perfect way for busy mothers to keep track of their kids’ belongings. It is an online platform with an e-commerce experience, where users can easily create high quality personalized name labels that are perfect for all types of belongings. Customizations can be made on many levels, colors, images, items, shapes, and content. Thanks to Essmak, now mothers can create name tags for different occasions and belongings in a fun and enjoyable way with the kids.

But Essmak did not always look like it does today after being developed by Ideatolife.


The challenge faced by Essmak as an early startup was the technology, which was outdated and not very flexible when the designs need to be applied. The infrastructure did not allow online customizations, many errors happened in the backend, and users usually got bored waiting for images to load for preview and simply stop using the website.


After trying hard to enhance the existing website and not achieving the desired outcome, Stephanie Hannah, founder of Essmak, reached out to Ideatolife. We developed the entire website from scratch with tight collaboration with external design company chosen by Stephanie in order to deliver just what she was hoping to achieve. Our Agile development and close involvement with all stakeholders allowed us to deliver on time the best outcome expected.


After all the work was done, Essmak founder has now at her hands:

  • A flawless website which allows all customizations without a single lag or glitch
  • Happy customers who can never get enough of the colorful and vibrant designs appealing to them and their kids
  • A system composed of an administrator dashboard, user interface, and several integrations for payment and shipping which all function in a harmonious and complimentary manner.
  • A 24/7 dedicated support team working to better serve our valued client Stephanie